Well, into summer now, temperatures in the high 20s and not a drop of rain since April. The trees are all doing fine, currently giving the new ones about 60 litres of water every 10 days, the one year olds about 200 litres every 20 days. This is all very much going by the seat of my pants, probably erring on the side of caution, ie watering more frequently than necessary. The citrus and avocados I'm doing once a week for all trees.
In April, while I was away, about a dozen sheep had a good go at the place. They ate all the veg garden, except aubergine and courgette plants, and had a good browse at some of the trees, especially the citrus. Thanks to help from my neighbour, we got a fence up fairly quickly, which should keep them out (goats would be another matter). Now trees are mostly recovered, and it's been an interesting experiment in starting the veg garden late using starts.